Green Hills MULTI

Generates Green Hills MULTI project files (experimental, work-in-progress).

Customizations that are used to pick toolset and target system:

The -A <arch> can be supplied for setting the target architecture. <arch> usually is one of “arm”, “ppc”, “86”, etcetera. If the target architecture is not specified then the default architecture of “arm” will be used.

The -T <toolset> can be supplied for setting the toolset to be used. All toolsets are expected to be located at GHS_TOOLSET_ROOT. If the toolset is not specified then the latest toolset will be used.


Default to integrity. Usual values are integrity, threadx, uvelosity, velosity, vxworks, standalone.


Sets primaryTarget field in project file. Defaults to <arch>_<GHS_TARGET_PLATFORM>.tgt.


Default to C:/ghs. Root path for toolset.


Default to C:/ghs. Root path for RTOS searches.


Default to latest platform OS installation at GHS_OS_ROOT. Set this value if a specific RTOS is to be used.


Defaults to sim<arch> if not set by user.

Customizations are available through the following cache variables:




This generator is deemed experimental as of CMake 3.13.5 and is still a work in progress. Future versions of CMake may make breaking changes as the generator matures.